Pestle - A Discord bot for Linux nerds.


Command Syntax Usage
Fun Commands
sudo echo, su echo sudo echo $ECHO Make Pestle say what you say!
sudo stash, su stash sudo stash $KEY $VALUE Have Pestle remember something for later.
sudo recall, su recall sudo recall $KEY Have Pestle recall something you told it to remember.
bash -c, sudo bash, su bash bash -c $COMMAND Runs $COMMAND in a virtual environment.
sudo quote, su quote sudo quote -m $MESSAGE_ID -c $CHANNEL_ID [-r $OPTIONAL_REPLY] Quotes $MESSAGE_ID from $CHANNEL_ID. Appends an $OPTIONAL_REPLY if present.
Administration Commands
sudo rolemenu, su rolemenu sudo rolemenu addrole $MESSAGE_ID $ROLE_ID $EMOJI Add a reaction trigger to $MESSAGE_ID to give $ROLE_ID when reacted to with $EMOJI.
sudo rolelist, su rolelist sudo rolelist $OPTIONAL_FILTER Prints a list of roles in the server, filtered by $OPTIONAL_FILTER if present.
sudo settings, su settings, sudo sets, su sets sudo settings --modlogchannel $ID Sets modlog channel to $ID.
sudo warn, su warn sudo warn $USERS -r $REASON Warn all mentioned $USERS with optional $REASON
Information Commands
sudo guildlist, su guildlist sudo guildlist $OPTIONAL_FILTER Lists guilds the bot has joined, filtered by $OPTIONAL_FILTER if present.
sudo help, su help sudo help Prints a help message.
sudo about, su about, sudo stats, su stats sudo stats Prints stats about the bot.
Package Search Commands
dnf search, dnf se dnf search $QUERY Search the Fedora repostiories.
zypper search, zypper se zypper search $QUERY Search the openSUSE Tumbleweed repostiories.

Other Features

Editable Commands

Oopsied a command? Just edit it! Pestle will react accordingly.

openSUSE Build Service SRs

Pestle will provide information on any OBS submit requests tagged.

Tag Syntax

Bugzilla Tags

Pestle will provide information and link to tagged bugs.

Bugzilla Tags

KDE Phabricator Revisions

Pestle will provide information and link to tagged revisions on KDE's Phabricator instance.

Phabricator Syntax

Automatic Slowmode

Pestle will turn on slowmode if someone begins to spam rapidly.